‘When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist.’
~ Dom Helder Camara

Games-based e-learning co-designed with students to protect themselves and their friends from the drug ‘Ice’
Co-designing with students to protect themselves and their friends from methamphetamine.

A web app for the University of Melbourne to support medication tapering and active care
Boojum is proud of its long-standing service to the University of Melbourne. Boojum has worked with the University since 2005, developing complex custom software applications.

Real-time budget solutions for Home Care Package Providers and their clients
SYNAPSIS is complete budget planning and management solution for Case Managers, Home Care Package (HCP) Managers, Financial Managers and HCP Providers. SYNAPSIS provides your client’s Home Care Package account in real time.

Online resources to support women’s health practitioners
Responsive design: A mobile phone is the preferred means of Internet access for anyone who feels their security to be at risk, because it is more private than other devices. We must make sure that we serve the needs of anyone at risk, even if our aim is to redirect them immediately to a service provider.

Simplifying and amplifying content and navigation improves access for users

Website for the peak body working with perpetrators of family violence

Usable and findable family violence practice resources & information for professionals
NIFVS professional network ensures all parts of the family violence service system work together in order to improve the safety of women and children and to hold perpetrators accountable for their use of violence.

Bringing training, learning and sales into one online entity extends the reach and positive impact of emotion coaching
Tuning In to Kids (TIK) is a proven program that is always going to be valuable, but in the wake of COVID, increased stresses on families and child-parent relationships applied the need to develop their website and move their facilitator training and courses online.