Website for the peak body working with perpetrators of family violence


We are currently working on a new project with our No To Violence (NTV) for a National Directory of Services. Stay tuned!


No To Violence (NTV) is the largest peak body in Australia for organisations and individuals who work with men to end family violence. The NTV team works for members and our community through: advocacy, training, sector development and the Men’s Referral Service.


A modern website and Counselling Activity Manager to communicate with their audiences.


NTV’s web presence, built using Wordpress 5, for two strongly divergent audiences:

  • professionals who work in the family violence sector
    This component includes membership management and resources for professional practitioners and policy advisors.

  • male perpetrators of family violence who need help to change their behaviour.

The Counselling Activity Manager (CAM) has been designed for use by family violence counselling services, and is used by No to Violence. It is built in Django. As an application used under stressful and potentially hazardous circumstances it has to be robust. The information CAM captures is also highly sensitive, so data security is critical. CAM offers a good example of how we work:

  • we observed the best family violence counsellors at work for a number of weeks, and then based the interaction design on the ideal conversation-model. 

  • we then looked for every opportunity to automate processes in order to save Counsellors and the wider organisation time. 

CAM has a touch-screen-style interface that minimises the amount of typing the counsellor has to do. 

CAM also includes a Service Finder, with the ability to send service details to callers as an SMS. CAM also includes one-button Critical Incident Alerts, so that a Counsellor can call for supervisor attendance if they are dealing with a dangerous situation.


Simplifying and amplifying content and navigation improves access for users


360 immersive experience allows virtual visits to country